The Podcast

The primary product of this newsletter is the podcast, which started out as two friends looking for an excuse to get together and talk about sports each week. In the years since, it hasn’t really changed much!

The title is a riff on the WSU athletics rallying cry — Cougs Vs. Everybody — but true to our form, we goofed up and went with everyone instead of everybody. Oh well.

We mostly talk about our beloved Washington State Cougars, but we also make time to talk about some of our other favorite topics — especially beer.

This quickly became one of my favorite pods. Jeff and Craig know their stuff and have great rapport and chemistry. This pod is an absolute must for any WSU fan.

danders27 on Apple Podcasts

Made it through another great episode as I always do. My favorite podcast out there and the one I most look forward to each week. Keep up the great work! Go Cougs!

klokkins on Apple Podcasts

I love the insightful commentary on Cougar Athletics (these guys went in depth in Women’s soccer, which was awesome) and the genuine nature of the show. I used to skip over the beer talk until I forgot and ended up getting cravings for a nice hazy IPA. Good work, gents!

tryinghisbest on Apple Podcasts

You can find the show on all the major podcast apps:

Our music is by Randy England. You can find more of his work on Instagram.