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- PODCAST: Time to adjust our expectations (Episode 222)
PODCAST: Time to adjust our expectations (Episode 222)
The huge win over Portland State has got us rethinking things, including this weekend's game against Texas Tech.
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The Washington State Cougars demolished the Portland State Vikings, and it was super fun. But also … it really was just the appetizer for this week’s main course: Hosting Texas Tech in Pullman on Saturday.
Let’s look back on last weekend’s game while also turning an eye toward the Red Raiders:
Topics of discussion
Portland State: The Cougs put up a truly historic performance against he Vikings. It sure was a lot of fun!
Beer: Jeff — A Seed To Blackened Acres (Holy Mountain); Craig — Alter Your Expectations (ilk).
Texas Tech: The win against Portland State has changed our thinking on this game.
Podcast music by Randy England. You can find more of his work on Instagram.
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